Publication information

  • Title: Overlapping but distinct: distal connectivity dissociates hand and tool processing networks
  • Authors: Lénia Amaral, Fredrik Bergström, Jorge Almeida
  • Publication year: 2021
  • Journal: Cortex
  • DOI:


The processes and organizational principles of information involved in object recognition have been a subject of intense debate. These research efforts led to the understanding that local computations and feedforward/feedback connections are essential to our representations and their organization. Recent data, however, has demonstrated that distal computations also play a role in how information is locally processed. Here we focus on how long-range connectivity and local functional organization of information are related, by exploring regions that show overlapping category-preferences for two categories and testing whether their connections are related with distal representations in a category-specific way. We used an approach that relates functional connectivity with distal areas to local voxel-wise category-preferences. Specifically, we focused on two areas that show an overlap in category-preferences for tools and hands-the inferior parietal lobule/anterior intraparietal sulcus (IPL/aIPS) and the posterior middle temporal gyrus/lateral occipital temporal cortex (pMTG/LOTC) - and how connectivity from these two areas relate to voxel-wise category-preferences in two ventral temporal regions dedicated to the processing of tools and hands separately-the left medial fusiform gyrus and the fusiform body area respectively-as well as across the brain. We show that the functional connections of the two overlap areas correlate with categorical preferences for each category independently. These results show that regions that process both tools and hands maintain object topography in a category-specific way. This potentially allows for a category-specific flow of information that is pertinent to computing object representations.